
Friday, February 1, 2013

Life Lately

Life has been eventful these past few weeks. 

I feel like I have worked a lot. I had an extra on call shift this week, and last week I had an extra day there for my PALS certification class. 

There has been a lot of Starbucks in my life as well due to lack of sleep. There for a while I hadn't gotten more than 6 hours of sleep for like... too long. 

It's partially due to this little pup.... 

Matt and I got out of the house last Friday and went to the Griffins game with Sarah and her husband. It was a good night for both of us, away from the hospital. 

Millie is doing well with her house training. She is all around a smart and very good pup. She has her accidents inside occasionally but for the most part, she is doing great! She is so playful! 

Last Saturday Matt and I hosted a "family meal" from our church. It's such a blessing. When we first moved here, we went to 2 family meals and were very blessed by them. We met some of our good friends there while they hosted. 

My family is Hungarian. So I made a huge pot of Marha Husleves. We always called it "Supper Soup" in my family when I was growing up. It's essentially an entire roast, whole potatoes, whole carrots, whole onion, turnips, cabbage. Everything is whole and just thrown into the pot with lots of spices to cook for several hours. So good! 

We had 8 people over for the meal and it was so much fun to get to know new people in our home. I feel like some more new friends were made! 

I baked Chocolate chip cookies and in the midst of preparing my ingredients, I realized I have a bit of a baking addiction. All of this is always just on hand "just in case". 

Supper soup leftovers are amazing... especially with a cold Diet Coke *my other addiction*. 

Michigan has shown it's true colors this past week and a half. Last week it snowed every single day. Then it got up to 50 degrees and it all melted. For one day. The next day (yesterday) it snowed ALL DAY and we got another fresh 4 inches of snow on the ground... Millie loves it! 

Yesterday Gabe (aforementioned friend from Family meals), had a snow day! So she came over while Matt was in class and we played with Millie, ate Thai food, and then took a walk in the pouring down white out snow. We walked to the antique store down the street with Millie. 

The store owner was there and when I asked if it was okay to bring her inside, they went crazy over the pup. I told them I would just hold her and they immediately swept her out of my arms. Let her down to run all over the store. She just loved it! I told them that any accidents were there fault... haha! She did great! She loves antiques like me! 

Gabe and Millie had a fun first day together. It was a fun walk in the snow! 

All in all life has been great here! Snow, food, pups, and husband time and some work.. Life is good. 


  1. first of all what an adorable pup you have! what a cutie! secondly, my husband and i just moved to a new place and we love love having people over to make new friends! hosting gatherings is something i absolutely love to do!

  2. Great pictures! Your pup is too cute!

  3. Aww, the puppy cuteness, I can't handle it!
    xo TJ

  4. Your puppy looks like a little sweet stuffed animal:) Looks like you are enjoying your time together- great pics!

  5. i'm sorry the pup is keeping you up! she's a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e! :)
